Sunday, May 16, 2010

6 weeks out – a true athlete

I can’t believe it’s only 6 weeks and I’ll be standing on a stage at the NPC Greater Gulf States Figure Competition in New Orleans. This prep is going sooo fast! Following several months of rehabbing injuries incurred during the summer months I went into this comp prep cautiously optimistic. Deep down I wondered if this would be my last competition, my body was just so beat up. However, with the help of my Z-Health master trainer and my massage therapist, as well as the expertise of my competition coach and the support of my wonderful husband, I’m happy to say I’m in the best physical shape ever and I have full confidence that I’ll be bringing my best self to the 2010 competition season and beyond!

There have been so many thing I’ve learned this year. I’ve learned that being an athlete doesn’t mean to push yourself beyond all measure. It doesn’t mean to train when your body is screaming for a break. It doesn’t mean that the way to success is to eat right, lift weights and do your cardio. Rather, I learned that a true athlete is someone who listens to his/her body, taking rest days and realizing that those days are actually the best days as they truly take you closer to your goals. I also learned to take a holistic approach to reaching my goals. Training, cardio and eating properly aren’t the only pieces to the puzzle. In order to be the best I can be I must stretch (a huge learning for me) and take care of my joints because if they fail me it doesn’t matter how strong my muscles are, I won’t be able to lift to their capacity.

So, as I head toward the stage I must say I’m thankful in a strange way for the trials I’ve faced this past year. I’ve learned a lot and my body is so much healthier for it. I now have a fantastic team of body workers and fitness professionals working together to help me be the best I can be With their help I will continue to learn how to be a true athlete.

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